Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Goin Fishing

You all know the Chinese Proverb "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.  Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime"?  Good stuff right?  WRONG !  Some people just don't want to know how to fish. 

Today, for example at work I was asked to run a report by someone whom I've told how to run said report at least five times and I know other people have told them as well.  I politely told that person I would be happy to show them how to run the report at which they looked at me like I was crazy and turned and walked away. ( Breathe, Carol, breathe!)  Being the mature individual that I am, after all I am trying to grow old gracefully, I went to my computer and typed specific instructions with nice looking screen prints.  Printed it out and took them to the person.  As I approached I said" I have this for you" and they jumped up and said "It's the report I need right?" and I calmly said "No, it's the instructions on how to print the report you need, I'm on my way to lunch."

Did I get a thank you for teaching them how to fish?  NO!  I wanted to take the proverbial fishing pole and shove it where the sun don't shine but the growing old gracefully manual says I can't do that .

I'm thinking tomorrow we'll play baseball and I'll take a Louisville Slugger to work........

Don't worry, I'll swing gracefully ;)

1 comment:

  1. I rarely ever give out fish. I most often like to teach. Sometimes it's out of selfishness - so I don't have to do it. Sometimes it's for their benefit. I feel like you should know how to do it (whatever it is) and then you can choose to pay someone to do it for you if you like. LOL
