Monday, July 18, 2011

So why blog?

Blogging is something I had intended to do for a while.  Why?  I don't know, maybe as a means of self expression, maybe because I can, maybe because I'm grown... I really can't say.  But here goes...

Growing old (not so) gracefully is really tongue in cheek because the older I get the more I love the woman I've become.  I constantly discover new things about myself.  I've become more of a listener and observer than a talker (you learn a lot that way) and I LOVE my life!  Is everything perfect? Of course not but overall I can't complain.  I care less about what others think of me and more of what God thinks of me.  I've learned to let a lot of things go and not worry about things that are beyond my control and most importantly I've learned that when people show you who they are believe them!

I truly believe you're only as old as you feel, so depending on which day you ask me I may be 2, 21 or 91.  I still have hopes, dreams, fantasies, aspirations....  Now don't get me wrong, you won't catch me in the club dropping it like it's hot, getting my eagle on or whatever the heck it is young people are doing nowadays.  Some of the more contemporary artists and their lyrics I just can't listen to, however I can dance, will dance and sometimes it may not be as dignified as some may feel it ought to be ( depends on if "my song" is on and who my dance partner is).  Maybe that's one of my purposes for blogging - to let my younger friends know life doesn't end at 35, 40 or whatever.  We old fogies have fun too, we party, we date and yes we have SEX (shh, don't tell) but you won't be hearing too much about that from me (LOL).

Yes we have Facebook pages and are on other social networks as well (it cracks me up when my younger relatives thinks OMG she's on FB, how cute!)  and I always get a good laugh when my younger sorors are lamenting about turning almost 25 or 30 or whatever ( child please!).  I'm determined to live life to the fullest so you won't hear me complaining about turning 50, 60 100( God willing) etc..  Every day I can wake up in my right mind with a sound body is a good one.

So anyway, that's my spill for now.  Take care and live life to the fullest.  Guess what?? You just grew older reading this!  But that's o.k. as long as you do it not so gracefully.....

1 comment:

  1. I would love for you to add a "like" button, so I could just "like" the post without commenting. Am I asking too much? LOL
